(Intervju) Liam om Miley: Hon är en klok person.
Datum: 2012-08-05 | Tid: 16:49:12 | Kategori: Miley CyrusPs: Jag har ingen tid att sitta och översätta texter. När bloggen kommit igång på riktigt så kommer jag översätta till svenska alla gånger. Ni får stå ut. Tack för er förståelse.
Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth may be young, but there is no doubt they’re in love.
Cyrus has already revealed what she loves about Hemsworth: he’s respectful, mature and a hard worker. Hemsworth, 22, however, is usually not one to openly speak about his relationship with Cyrus, 19. But in the new issue of InStyle Magazine, the private star, who popped the question to the “Party in the USA” singer in May, revealed what he loves about his soon-to-be wife.
According to Entertainmentwise, The Hunger Games actor was asked to describe his ideal woman. His answer? “My fiancée.”
He went on to say that she has all the qualities he looks for in a girl.
“She’s extremely happy and has a sense of humor about life. And she has taught me you can step back and not take everything so seriously,” he said. “Happy, positive, fun- those qualities are good in anyone.”
In addition to being “happy, positive and fun,” Hemsworth says Cyrus loves him unconditionally and is forgiving about some of his choices when it comes to fashion. He says he dresses like a “homeless person” sometimes and she “doesn’t care.”
“My style is very inconsistent. One day, I’ll put together a cool outfit, and the next, I’ll look like a homeless person,” he said.

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