Historien om flickan som Taylor besökte! :)
Datum: 2012-02-06 | Tid: 15:32:31 | Kategori: Taylor SwiftBilden som vi la upp tidigare idag från när Taylor besökte 12-åriga Heaven Kelley på St. Jude's Hospital var ifrån den 4 december! Heavens mamma la vid det tillfället upp berättelsen om Taylors besök som ni kan läsa nedan. Den är otroligt läsvärd ♥
Källa + text.
Källa #1
Källa + text.
Today was another amazing day for my little sunshine. Nurse Karen came into the room and asked to speak to me. She told me Taylor swift was coming to the hospital and was coming to meet Heaven! She was one of the few that was chosen to meet her...and Heaven was so honored! She got herself cleaned up, asked to put in earrings and touched herself up with a tiny bit of makeup. It was so cute to see her perk up and this visit made her feel so special! Once she arrived, we were asked to sign a release, and we had to open all the blinds so her "people" were able to see her. Heaven sat for twenty minutes, so giddy with anticipation. we were not allowed to take photos but she said we can have hers in about a week. :) Her hair was beautiful and straight, dressed in a grey sweater dress...absolutely beautiful and lovely girl inside and out! Heaven said she loved her shoes. Heaven and her had the nicest conversation about chorus...Heaven told her how she was switched to an alto...Taylor said that she was always an alto...its not bad to be an alto! We all talked about how they are from Reading Pa, and that she usually doesn't get to be home much. Usually only a day..and is now residing in Nashville. Taylor asked how long we had been here. She said it must be very hard to be away from our family. We told her how Tayven had a crush on her....and she sent a message for Heaven to tell Tayven she said hello!Taylors father was with her and was wonderful too! Heaven asked to sing Taylor a song....but she wanted to sing it to just her...so we all left the room except Heaven and Taylor, and her photographer.Heaven sang Taylor the Happy birthday song (like her favorite commercial by the american cancer society).... because Taylor"s birthday is next week! we came back into Heavens room and Heaven was beaming ear to ear...she said"Taylor says I have an amazing voice." Taylor crawled next to Heaven in her bed and took pictures with her. And Heaven gave her a school picture. They tallked about many things, and Taylor really made Heaven feel so special...and she was so genuinely touched too by their meeting. It was the most calming meeting...she was such a down home, really kind, person. It was like Heaven had known her for an eternity. When she was about to leave, Heaven says, "If you ever need a backup singer, just give me a call!" And everyone was laughing as Heaven grinned at her. Amazing, amazing lovely young woman Taylor is. Heaven said she wished she never had to leave. A moment we will never forget. Thank you to Taylor and her Dad...and to nurse Karen! Honored to have met such a beautiful family.
Källa #1
Taylor besöker en liten flicka.
Datum: 2012-02-05 | Tid: 13:07:04 | Kategori: Taylor SwiftDet har dykt upp en bild från när Taylor besöker ett sjukhus och hälsar på en liten flicka. Flickan heter Heaven, är 12 år gammal och kämpar mot cancer. Ni kan stödja Heaven genom att 'gilla' DENNA sidan. Bilden är tagen på St. Jude's Hospital i Tennesse och bilden verkar vara relativt ny. Så underbart av Taylor att ta sig tid för besöka sjuka barrn och sätta ett leende på deras läppar ♥
Källa: TaylorSwiftSweden
Källa: TaylorSwiftSweden